Department Dues Collection App

Enter your index number to get started.


  1. Enter your index number to get started.
  2. On the next page, confirm if the information displayed is your details and click on "Proceed and Make Payment" button.
  3. Payment information:
    1. You can pay with Mobile money or Debit or Credit Card.
    2. For Mobile money, ensure you have the dues amount or more than that in your wallet.
    3. Select "Pay with Mobile Money" and provide the wallet number.
    4. If this is your first time of using this system, an OTP with a message titled "PAYSTACK" will be send to you.
    5. Enter the 6-digits OTP back into the system before the MoMo prompt requesting your approval will popup for your MoMo PIN.
    6. Once the money is deducted, please be PATIENT for the system to redirect you back to the dues system.
    7. Once the process is complete, you will receive am SMS from both your MoMo service provider and this system. You will receive a payment receipt via email as well.

Please make sure your phone number and email address are correct on the University's database.

No one from the Department/University will call you to request your MoMo PIN, OTP or Password.

Pay the department dues at your convenience for accountability and the development of the Department.