Dr. Samuel Asuamah Yeboah (PhD)

Dean, Faculty of Business & Management Studies (FBMS)

P. O. Box 206, Sunyani


Senior Lecturer & Dean



Samuel Asuamah Yeboah is a PhD holder in Economics and Senior lecturer. He teaches research methodology, quantitative methods and economics at Sunyani Technical University, Ghana. He earned an M.A. in Economics from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in 2007, and PhD in Economics from Open University Malaysia, through the Accra Institute of Technology (AIT) learning centre. He is currently the Dean for Faculty of Business and Management studies. He is a reviewer for a number of international Journals since 2008. He has more than seventy (70) Publications in National and International Journals. His research interests are in the area of Consumer economics; Development economics; Personnel Economics; Entrepreneurship; Economics of Technology; Environmental economics, Applied economics, and Research methodology.

As an economist, he is hardworking, resourceful and ambitious economist with extensive understanding of economic theory and its practical implications. Experience of undertaking analytic work and research projects, whilst working in a team environment with multiple priorities and tight deadlines. Having an active commitment to continuous improving quality standards when performing statistical analysis of industry and economic data. Possessing an ability to communicate complex and sensitive information in an understandable form to colleagues and clients.

Languages Spoken
  1. Twi (Very Good)
  2. English (Very Good)


  1. Yeboah, A. S., Ohene, M., & Wereko, T. B. (2012). Forecasting Aggregate and Disaggregate Energy Consumption Using ARIMA Models: A Literature Survey. Journal of Statistical and Econometric Methods, 1(2), 71-79.
  2. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E., & Kwarteng, E. (2012). Empirical Assessment of Expectations Associated with The Recent Discovery of Commercialisable Oil in Ghana. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2(3), 177-191.
  3. Yeboah, A. S., & Kumi, E. (2012). Attributions for Poverty: A Survey of Student’s Perception. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2(2), 83-91.
  4. Yeboah, A. S., & Kumi, E. (2012). Marketing Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes towards Hepatitis B and Hepatitis B Infected Patients: A Survey Study. Continental J. Tropical Medicine 6 (1), 34-41.
  5. Yeboah, A. S. (2011). “An Empirical Assessment of Student’s Attitude towards Cheating”. Journal of Polytechnics in Ghana, 5(1), 69-90.
  6. Yeboah, A. S., Abeka-Donkor, S., & Awuah, J., B. (2012). Motive for Saving: A Survey of Why People Save. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 1(11), 174.
  7. Yeboah, A. S., Abeka-Donkor, S., Gyamfi, C. (2013). Workers Perception and Attitude towards the Single Spine Pay Policy, Sunyani, Ghana, West Africa. Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies, 4(1), 2229-5674.
  8. Yeboah, A. S., Abeka-Donkor, S., & Awuah, J., B. (2012). The Perception of Students on Distance Education: The Case of Distance Education Centers in Sunyani, Ghana, West Africa. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 1(2), 1-10.
  9. Yeboah, A. S., Abeka-Donkor, S., & Awuah, J., B. (2012). Impulse Buying Behaviour among Students at the Marketing Department of Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana, West Africa. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 1(2), 11-20.
  10. Yeboah, A. S., Abeka-Donkor, S., Gyamfi, C. (2013). What is the Best Way of Motivating Employees? The Perspective of Students. Continental J. Social Sciences 6 (1), 1-8.
  11. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E., & Gyamfi, C. (2012). Attitudes towards Tuition Fees Payment in Tertiary Education: A Survey of Sunyani Polytechnic Marketing Students in Sunyani Ghana. International Review of Management and Marketing, 2(4), 231-240.
  12. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E., & Kwarteng, E. (2012). Wage Cut and Unemployment: The Perspective of the Worker in The Face of High Unemployment in Ghana. Advances in Arts, Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(6), 214-220.
  13. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E., & Kwarteng, E. (2012). What Do Voters Look for in Political Candidates in Presidential Election? A Survey in Ghana. Advances in Arts, Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(9), 335-345.
  14. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E., & Awuah, J. B. (2013). An Assessment of Entrepreneurship Intention among Sunyani Polytechnic Marketing Students. International Review of Management and Marketing, 3(1), 37-49.
  15. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E., & Gyamfi, C. (2012). Attitude to Quantitative Studies among Marketing Students in Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana, West Africa. Continental J. Social Sciences 5 (3), 1-10.
  16. Yeboah, A. S., Kumi, E. & Awuah, J. B. (2012). What Are Small Enterprises Finance Needs? European Journal of Business and Management, 4(17), 196-206.
  17. Yeboah, S. A. Kwarteng, E. & Awuah, J. B. (2012). What is the Link Between Finance and Economic Growth? A Review. European Journal of Business and Management, 4(13), 12-19.
  18. Yeboah, A. S., Adu-Tutu, F., & Darkwa, B. (2012). What is the Perception of Students towards Environmental Sustainability? Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 2(10), 114-121.
  19. Yeboah, A. S., Ansu-Mensah, P., & Adjei, K. (2013). The Causes of Productive Deviant Behaviours: A Survey of Workers Perspective. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2(1), 274-289.
  20. Yeboah, A. S., Tandoh, F., & Mahawiya, S. (2012). Demand for Money in Ghana: An Empirical Assessment. Advances in Arts, Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(7), 233-245.
  21. Yeboah, A. S., Adu-Tutu, F., Darkwa, B., & Amponsah, L. (2013). Attitude towards Sustainable Agriculture: A Survey of Agricultural Science Students in Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana, West Africa. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 2(2), 29-40.
  22. Yebaoh, A. S., Kumi, E., & Kwarteng, E. (2012, May). Attitude towards Recycling and Waste Management: A Survey of Marketing Students in Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana. Advances in Arts, Social Sciences and Education Research, 2(5), 158-167.
  23. Yeboah A. S., & Ohene-Manu, J. (2015). An Econometric Investigation of Forecasting Premium Fuel. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 5(3), 716-724.
  24. Yeboah, A. S., Kwarteng, E., & Amankwa, J. (2012). The Relationship between Exercise, Satisfaction and Productivity among Marketing Students and Workers of Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana. Continental J. Social Sciences, 5(3), 23-34.
  25. Yeboah, A. S., & Joseph Ohene-Manu, J. (2015). An Econometric Investigation of the Determinants of Fossil Fuel Consumption: A Multivariate Approach for Ghana. Economy, 2(1), 32-43.
  26. Yeboah A. S. (2015). An Econometric Investigation of Forecasting Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Ghana. Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/67834/, MPRA Paper No. 67834, posted UNSPECIFIED.
  27. Yeboah, A. S. (2015). An Econometric Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Aggregate, and Disaggregate Energy Consumption: Time Series Assessment for Ghana. Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/67684/. MPRA Paper No. 67684, posted UNSPECIFIED.
  28. Yeboah, A. S., & Ohene-Manu, J. (2015). An Empirical Examination of the Determinants of Economic Growth in Ghana. International Journal in Management and Social Science, 3(6), (June, 2015), 483-498.
  29. Yeboah, A. S., Ohene-Manu, J., & Wereko, T. B. (2013). Determinants of Energy Consumption: A Review. International Journal of Management Sciences, 1(12), 482-487.
  30. Yeboah, A. S. Ohene-Manu, J., & Wereko, T. B. (2013). A Review of Energy Consumption and Financial Development Nexus. International Journal of Management Sciences, 1(11), 456-462.
  31. Yeboah, A. S, Kwarteng, E., & Awuah, B. J. (2012). What is the Link between Finance and Economic Growth? A Review. European Journal of Business and Management, 4(13), 1-19.
  32. Adu-Tutu, F., Yeboah A. S., & Darkwa, B. (2013). Environmental Concern: A Survey of Students Attitude in Sunyani Polytechnic. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 2(3), 1-10.
  33. Tandoh, F., Yeboah, A. S., Nyarkoh, J. B. (2012, July). Modelling The Relationship Between Trade Openness And Growth Using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Model. Advances in Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering Research, 2(7), 263-270.
  34. Antwi-Boateng, C., Owusu-Prempeh, V., & Yeboah, A. S. (2013). Assessment of Factors Influencing the Consumption of Pork and Poultry Meat in Ghana: A Comparative Study. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 2(4), 1-12.
  35. Ansu, M. P., Yeboah, A. S., & Amankwah, J. (2013). Consumer attitude towards advertisement elements: A survey of Marketing Studying in Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana, West Africa. International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 4(2), 13-24.
  36. Effah-Bediako, D., Yeboah, A. S., & Appiah, N. (2013). Strategies to Encourage sustainable consumption of Mobile Phone in Ghana. International Journal of Research in IT & Management, 8(2), 60-71.
  37. Appiah, N., Yeboah, A. S., & Effah-Bediako, D. (2013). Analysis of the link between Demographics and Mobile Phone Consumption behaviour in Ghana. International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Science, 3(7), 1-16.
  38. Effah-Bediako, D., Deh, I. Y., & Yeboah, A. S. (2013). Demographic Effect in the Switching Decisions of Mobile Service Users. International Journal of Innovative and Research, 6(3), 422-429.
  39. Amankwah, J., Yeboah, A. S., & Effah-Bediako, D. (2013). The link between demographic variables and Entrepreneurship intentions in Ghana. The International Journal of Business and Management, 1(1), 45-50.
  40. Cosmos Antwi-Boateng, C., Owusu-Prempeh, V., & Yeboah, A. S. (2013). A Study of Switching Decisions of Mobile Service Users: The Case of Marketing Students in Sunyani Polytechnic, Ghana, West Africa. International Journal of Research in IT & Management, 3(5), 1-20.
  41. Ofori, A., Adjei, M. K. R., & Yeboah, S. A. (2015). Modelling the Link between Inflation and Import in Ghana, Journal of Empirical Economics, 4(1), 49-62.
  42. Adu-Nti, M., Amoah, R., & Yeboah, S. A. (2014). Modelling the Relationship between Trade Liberalisation and Inflation. International Journal of Research in Finance & Marketing, 4(7), 1-19.
  43. Amoah, R., Yeboah S. A., Amaning, N. (2014). An Investigation into Tax Evasion in Ghana. International Journal of Empirical Finance, 2(3), 115-122.
  44. Amponsah, L., Hoggar, G. K., & Yeboah, S. A. (2014). Environment and Health: Modelling the Relationship between Air Pollution and Infant Mortality in Ghana. International Journal of Research in Economics & Social Sciences, 4(10), 1-18.
  45. Agyemang, K. I., Deh, Y. I., & Yeboah A. S. (2013). Socio-Demographics effect in Factors that Shape Decision to Start Own Business. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 1(1), 34-41.
  46. Deh, Y. I., Yeboah A. S., & Agyemang, I. K. (2013). The Link between Demographics and Perceive Barriers to Entrepreneurship. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Development 1(1), 42-50.
  47. Amponsah, L., Hoggar, G. K., & Yeboah, A. S. (2015). Climate Change and Agriculture: Modelling the Impact of Carbon Dioxide Emission on Cereal Yield in Ghana. Agriculture and Food Sciences Research, 2(2), 32-38.
  48. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). Are Output Fluctuations Transitory or Permanent in Ghana? MPRA, 1-10.
  49. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). Modelling Financial Development, and Electricity Consumption Nexus for Ghana. MPRA, 1-14.
  50. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). Modelling the Effect of Investment on Agricultural Productivity in Ghana. MPRA, 1-12.
  51. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). Modelling the Effect of Investment on Agricultural Productivity in Ghana. MPRA, 1-12.
  52. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). Modelling the Effect of Climate Change and Globalisation on the Manufacturing Sector of Ghana. MPRA, 1-16.
  53. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). An econometric investigation of forecasting liquefied petroleum gas in Ghana. MPRA, 1-12.
  54. Yeboah, A. S. (2016). An Econometric Investigation of the Effect of Financial Development on Aggregate, and Disaggregate Energy Consumption: Time Series Assessment for Ghana. MPRA, 1-11.
Recent Work
  1. Yeboah, A. S. (2017). 'Are interest rates unit root in Ghana? An Empirical Assessment. MPRA. Online at https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/99420/ MPRA Paper No. 99420, posted 08 Apr 2020 12:39 UTC
  2. Yeboah, A. S. (2018). 'Do government activities determine electricity consumption in Ghana? An empirical investigation'. MPRA Paper 89408, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  3. Yeboah, A. S. (2018). 'Econometric modelling of the link between investment and electricity consumption in Ghana'. MPRA Paper 89789, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Current studies
  1. An econometric modelling of the determinants of economic growth in Ghana: an application of the Gregory and Hansen structural break cointegration model.
  2. An econometric modelling of electricity consumption determinants in Ghana: application of Gregory and Hansen structural breaks cointegration model

Professional Qualifications


O-Level (Science)
WAEC - 1994

A-Level (Science) A-Level (Arts)
WAEC - 1996

Diploma (Environmental Health)

B.A (Economics and Psychology)
LEGON - 2003

M.A (Economics)
KNUST - 2007

PhD (Business Admin., Economics)
AIT/OUM - 2017

Free Electives outside the BA Economics and Psychology degree
  • International Marketing
  • Democracy and Policy Making
  • Management of NGO
Electives (MA: KNUST)
  • Microeconomics
  • Public Finance
  • Monetary Economics
  • Econometrics
  1. Member (ACCE) Association of Certified Chartered Economists (2012 till now)
  2. Member of CIM (Ghana) (2013 till now)

Teaching Experience

Lecturer at Sunyani Technical University
  1. Quantitative Studies (2 Credits 3 Contact Hours)
  2. Research Methodology (2 Credits 2 Contact Hours)
  3. African Studies (1 Credit 2 Contact Hours)
  4. Principles of Economics (3 Credits 3 contact hours)
  5. Microeconomics, and Macroeconomics (London Center of Marketing programmes) (4 Credit, 4 Contact Hours)
Teacher at Techiman Secondary School
  1. Economics
  2. Social Studies
  3. Core Science
Part-Time Teaching
University of Cape Coast
  1. Managerial Economics (MBA)
Catholic University
  1. Marketing Research (MBA)
  2. Development Economics (Level 300)
  3. Managerial Economics (Level 300)
Association of Certified Chartered Economist (Sunyani)
  1. International Economics
  2. Econometrics


  • Member - Sunyani Technical University Council (March, 2019-Till Date).
  • Chairman - Business School Board, Sunyani Technical University (October, 2019-Till Date).
  • Member - Executive Committee, Sunyani Technical University (October, 2019-Till Date).
  • Member- Finance Committee, Sunyani Technical University (October, 2019-Till Date).
  • Member- Academic Board, Sunyani Technical University (October, 2019-Till Date).
  • Chairman - TUTAG, Sunyani Local (2019- Till Date).
  • Chairman - Business School Board, Sunyani Polytechnic (2014-2016).
  • Chairman - Disciplinary Board, School of Business and Management Studies (2014-2016).
  • Chairman - Disciplinary Board, Department of Marketing (2010-2014).
  • Chairman - Department of Marketing Board (2010-2014).
  • Chairman - Entity Tender Committee for PROMAGS, Sunyani Polytechnic (2010-2014).
  • Member - Entity Tender Committee for PROMAGS, Sunyani Polytechnic (2007-2010).
  • Member - Disciplinary Board, Sunyani Polytechnic (2010-2016).
  • Member- Development Committee, Sunyani Polytechnic (2014-2016).
  • Member- Finance Committee, Sunyani Polytechnic (2014-2016).
  • Member - Executive Committee, Sunyani Polytechnic (2014-2016).
  • Member - Academic Board Committee for Departmental Re-Alignment (2015).
  • Member - Academic Board Committee for the draft Policy on Insurance (2014).
  • Member - Academic Board Committee for the draft Policy on Transport (2014).
  • Chairman - School Board Committee for the Draft BTech Programmes (Purchasing, and Supply, Marketing Technology, and Management Technology) (2015).
  • Member- Academic Board Committee for the Draft of Sunyani Polytechnic Strategic Plan (2015).
  • Member- Academic Board, Sunyani Polytechnic (2010-2016).
  • Member- Department of Marketing Board (2000-2010).
  • Member- Entity Tender Board for PROMAGS, Sunyani Polytechnic (2007-2010).
  • Member- Committee to Review DBS and RSA Programmes (2011).
  • Member-Committee to Draft Welfare Policy for Sunyani Polytechnic (2013).
  • Member- Project Defense Committee (2007 till now).
  • Member-PROMAGS Supervisory Committee (2007-2010).
  • Member-Morning Show Paper Review Panel, BAR (Sunyani), Space FM (Sunyani), Sun City FM (Sunyani), and Classic FM (Techiman) (2003 till now).
  • Coordinator-London Centre of Marketing Programmes (2009-2011).
  • Member-Resident Committee (2017 till now).
  • Member- Sunyani Technical University Governing Council (2019).
  • Chairman- Sunyani Technical University Teachers Union (2019).